20 Dec 2020

Chapter 17: My Brother Saeed Ahmad sahib marhoom’s Travel to Gangoh Shareef

My Brother Saeed Ahmad sahib marhoom’s travel to Gangoh Shareef

Prior to our travel to Madeena Munawwarah, my respected brother Saeed Ahmad sahib marhoom had also taken bay’at with Hadhrat Qutube Alam Gangohi RA (in India). It so happened (during our stay in Madinah Munawwarah) that I was asked to return to Gangoh shareef and during that time period my elder brother had already quietly departed for his journey to India. I also began my journey soon after and caught up with him in Makkah Mukarrramah - we travelled together to India and arrived in Gangoh Shareef (The details will later follow). Following our return to Madeenah Munawwarah, our brother Saeed Ahmad sahib also felt a need and  sought permission to  travel to bariga’e (court of) Rasheediyah and master the stages of sulook. Our beloved parents (Rahmatullah alayhuma) displayed a great deal of warmth towards maqaside jaleeliya (pious intentions) and whole heartedly gave their blessings. Towards the end of 1320H (1903), he left for Gangoh Shareef and was honoured to serve in this honourable court for three continuous years. Hadhrat Qutube Alam rahamatullah ilayh’s death took place during his stay there and my brother returned to Madeenah Munawwarah a few years after his death. He did not receive  ijazate bay’at and khilafat at the blessed hands of Hadhrat Qaddasallah sirruhul Azeez, but was later honoured with with ijazat at the blessed hands of Hadhrat Shaykhul Hind and Hadhrat Molana Khaleel Ahmad sahib Rahmatullah alayhuma. As far as I am aware, my brother had not started the silsila-e-irshad and talqeen at the time (Allah knows best).

Yes, it was due to my brother’s deep courage and selfless effort and sacrifice that Madrasah Shareeya Madeenah Munawwarah was founded. With the praise of Allah, the honourable tradition of Uloome deeniyah, Hifdh and Qiratul Quraan began and is continuing untill today. This type of sadaqah-e-jariyyah is an extremely blessed and highly esteemed favour of Allah Ta’ala. May Allah Ta’ala accept it and make it a means of eternal success and deliverance for the founder (marhoom), its helpers and its supporters. (Ameen)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work. I follow this project regularly. May Allah Ta'ala allow it to reach completion.
